Frederick Douglass Foundation State of Ohio


Dear Friends of Frederick Douglass,

We are excited to introduce to you the Frederick Douglass Foundation of Ohio. The National
Frederick Douglass Foundation in Washington D.C. has been going strong for over 10 years,
working diligently, and expanding throughout the country. We are so proud to announce that this
expansion now includes our great State of Ohio! Within the Frederick Douglass Foundation, you
will find devoted Christians, proud Americans, and active citizens faithfully committed to our
mission. We invite you to join the mission by participating in our upcoming events and witness
firsthand the absolute importance of supporting this great cause.

Our organization was founded on the principles of respect for the Constitution, the sanctity of
human life, the traditional family, limited government, free markets, and individual
responsibility. The Frederick Douglass Foundation uses its nationwide network to build bridges
to connect with black and other minority communities throughout the State of Ohio. By building
these bridges, we educate, engage, and market our principles to several diverse groups. With
Republican County Ambassadors throughout the State of Ohio, we eagerly work with like-
minded individuals and organizations to build a stronger, healthier America to leave to our
children. We are a collection of dedicated individuals committed to this mission and we are
making a difference.

Building a resilient bridge requires many things, one of which is sufficient funding. To continue
this important work throughout Ohio, we are depending on concerned, like minded Americans,
like yourself. We ask that you make a financial commitment to support the Frederick Douglass
Foundation of Ohio. Please visit our website at or write your giving check to
Frederick Douglass Foundation of Ohio, 3612 Eaton, Cincinnati, Ohio 45229. Take the
pledge and be our monthly donor. Your generosity will make an impact in so many lives while
simultaneously reinforcing the principles of the greatest country in the world!

Please review our hard work below! We can introduce and educate our values with your
donation!! Help us with future voters.